sabato 31 gennaio 2015


(dal Manifesto dei pittori futuristi, febbraio 1910) "Compagni! Noi vi dichiariamo che il trionfante progresso delle scienze ha determinato nell’umanità mutamenti tanto profondi, da scavare un abisso fra i docili schiavi del passato e noi liberi, noi sicuri della radiosa magnificenza del futuro…"


I am happy to introduce my new brand new project. Born to endless days and sleepless nights in the end came to light: Maison Republique. A new beginning, a new Republic, a new vision of our reality, we want you to see the world with new eyes, a new beautiful world!


I am happy to introduce my new brand new project. Born to endless days and sleepless nights in the end came to light: Maison Republique. A new beginning, a new Republic, a new vision of our reality, we want you to see the world with new eyes, a new beautiful world!
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